9 January 2018

Bolt Action - Buildings part I - Rural houses

Today I want to present to you rural houses. I designed them by myself in Adobe Illustrator. Next, I've asked small company near my job to make laser-cuts for me. Single base structure cost me around 2,8 €. Then I've textured structure with wide variety of materials. How basic structure look you'll find at the bottom of this post.

Short list of materials used in texturing process:
  • roofs: cheap towel from market
  • small roofs: ice cream sticks
  • roof stave: cardboard from breakfast cereal
  • wood: balsa wood 1mm and 0.5 thick
  • windowsill: matches
  • glass: polyester PET 0.5mm thick
  • metal: sanded plasticard 0.25mm thick 
  • wall texture: filler
  • moss: Woodland Scenics Blended Turf Green Blend (BT-GB)
  • grass: my own Noch mix for grass mat
  • base: PCV 3mm 

All houses were painted mostly with airbrush (primer and 2-3 layers). Wash was used only once on roof wooden stave.

Rural house nr. 1

Rural house nr. 2

Rural house nr. 3

Rural house nr. 4

All houses were primed inside with Vallejo Primer German Panzer Grey.

Early WIP
Pictures made mostly for personal use with my smart-phone. Quality for both images is poor, I know.


  1. Bardzo fajnie to wygląda. Jak zawsze mam wątpliwości co do sterylnie czystych makiet, to chyba w tym wypadku wolę rozwiązanie takie, jakie zrealizowałeś. Wyszło ślicznie.

  2. Bardzo staranna robota. Chyba w końcu spróbuję dachów z ręcznika.
    Coraz częściej mam też przemyślenia, że bez aerografu ani rusz.
