17 May 2018

Necromunda - My "Necrowalls" set on Thingiverse

My 2nd set called "Necrowalls" for Necromunda tiles. New set was optimized for easy cutting and assembling. Design is slightly different from previous but the style preserved. I've uploaded all files on Thingiverse.

Each [design] contains assembly instruction in PDF file. Last but not least, all files are shared with this CC license. You can made set for yourself but it's illegal to sell or modify it in any kind or form.

I hope you like it :)

Designs have been permanently removed from Thingiverse.

Assembly Instructions






  1. Bardzo fajne, muszę sam wrócić do swoich porzuconych projektów na laser.

  2. Super konstrukcja :) Ale jednak wymaga dość dużo pracy malarskiej.

  3. Świetny set! Chciałbym jednak wymienić system haczyków na magnesy w podstawach ścian dostosowane do odpowiedniego układu na blacie tak, aby kolumny nie były potrzebne co każdy segment ściany. Dodatkowo planuję dodać LEDy w ścianach z wywietrznikami oraz w kolumnach w miejsce zaprojektowanych reflektorów/kratek. Czy takie modyfikacje są dozwolone?

  4. Hello!
    Great work! But why did you remove this awesome models from public access?

    1. I hope to see your great designs again. I managed to get a laser cutter for a few days and when I was about to start the project, I saw that you removed the patterns :(
      I also love your superstructures and I hope you'll make these available together with your necrowalls soon.
